Dead End: Opioid Epidemic in Arizona

Bringing awareness to the Opioid Epidemic is important to me because I've lost countless friends as a result of it. The reality is people don't choose to become addicted to opiates. Addiction is a disease classified in the DSM-5 that requires treatment. The American medical system is a failure. We need a health care system that rewards good outcomes instead of the sales of service. Educate yourself on the proper steps to take if you suspect someone is overdosing. If you know someone who uses opiates you should carry naloxone on you at all times. It is often available for free and is the only way to prevent a person from overdosing.

Materials: plywood, tinted PVC, laser-cut acrylic & pine, vinyl, 3D-printed PLA

VCD Senior Exhibition
Project Type:
May 5, 2022



My design work lives at the intersection of modernism & simplicity. Placing emphasis on typography, color, and motion. — My process begins by visualizing an overall narrative for the project, making it impossible to ignore. — I iterate many times and grab the best parts of each iteration, making sure to incorporate interaction into my designs because you feel a connection when things move as you’d expect them to.