Helianthus Graphics

Helianthus Graphics, was founded in Sept. of 17'. Designing for print and screen-printing itself are two practices I enjoy greatly. Originally my designs were connected to a love of nature and geometry. Overtime this focus shifted to the mind and the existence of one's inner biocomputer. I had taken great inspiration from a book I read by the scientist John C. Lilly, Center of the Cyclone: An Autobiography of Inner Space. His experiments explore the nature of human consciousness with the use of his invention, the isolation tank. "In the province of the mind, there are no limits."

Helianthus Graphics
Project Type:
January 5, 2021



My design work lives at the intersection of modernism & simplicity. Placing emphasis on typography, color, and motion. — My process begins by visualizing an overall narrative for the project, making it impossible to ignore. — I iterate many times and grab the best parts of each iteration, making sure to incorporate interaction into my designs because you feel a connection when things move as you’d expect them to.